CDT-Africa is pleased to announce the launch of first of its kind training program on ‘Planning and implementing centers of excellence’ in January 2023. The program is a highly interactive practical five-days training.
Excellence is an essential tool to address the seemingly intractable and wicked national and global problems. In the current highly competitive world, excellence also helps individuals, institutions, and nations to stand out. Centers of Excellence (CoEs) transform institutions by pulling resources and highly skilled individuals together for a predefined cause. The hope behind an almost half a billion investment by African nations, through a World Bank IDA program to establish African Centers of Excellence (ACE), has been that these ACEs would address fundamental development challenges of Africa by building specialist human capabilities to address the continent’s development challenges and implementing new ways of working. However, there are only few leaders and implementers who are very well versed with the concept of CoE, and the procedures for implementing and sustaining or scaling up CoEs.
Why and when should an institute employ a CoE model? What are the necessary steps in setting up a COE for success? What role can a host organization play for the success of CoEs? Based on the learnings from the opportunities and challenges of establishing a vibrant regional CoE, the Addis Ababa University’s CDT-Africa team has prepared this training. Implementers and leaders of CoE host institutions will particularly find the training useful.
The course is not a project management training or training on institutional leadership although some of the principles may apply for these tasks as well. While the training is specifically developed for CoE teams—both with existing CoEs and those interested in initiating institutional or national CoEs--the training is also suitable for individuals interested in personal excellence with a view of contributing to national and global change.
At the end of this five-day training, course participants will be equipped with transformative awareness of excellence, be able to develop or revise their implementation plans, prepare to implement their CoEs successfully or accelerate their CoE implementation. If you are interested in the training program please contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..